Siuslaw Alumni Association

Welcome Home, Vikings
The Siuslaw Alumni Association is a non-profit organization created to share pride in our alma mater and raise funds for student scholarships.
We get together every September to renew friendships and raise money for future Siuslaw alumni. 2025 marks the twenty-fifth year of the association!
Save the date: The 2025 Scholarship Fundraiser and Reunion Banquet is Saturday, September 6, at the Florence Events Center.
Facebook update:
Siuslaw Alumni Association is moving to a new Facebook group from Beth Meadows. Invitations to join started going out a couple of weeks ago. We are not done yet but there are over 1,000 invitations that have not been accepted yet. Jump in and check your Facebook Activity for your invitation to join, Siuslaw Alumni Association. The invitation would be from Beth Meadows and the new page, as a picture of the Siuslaw Bridge with the announcement “Welcome Home Vikings.” Thank you to the almost 600 members that have joined! This is a process and will take patience, but we are getting there!!!!
Debbie Shirley Flores
Membership Director
Dates to Know
Spring board meeting, 11 a.m. at Mike Bones' house
Scholarship application deadline
Scholarship night
All-school reunion, Florence Events Center, 4 p.m.